Loneliness Awareness Week Activities

Please make sure you’ve got all the details and an image ahead of adding your activity to the map as it is difficult to make edits once activites are submitted, there are instructions here.

You already know someone in Gwynedd or Swansea who needs to hear about Homeshare.

Homeshare UK Eleanor Rathbone House, Connect Business Village, 24 Derby Road, Liverpool, United Kingdom

How you can help tackle loneliness and the current housing crisis in just 3 steps. Be part of the solution! As part of Loneliness Awareness week join us for an online event to hear more about the Homeshare programmes in Gwynedd and Swansea and learn how you can work with them to meet the needs […]

Ydych eisoes yn adnabod rhywun yng Ngwynedd neu Abertawe sydd angen clywed am Rhannu Cartref

Homeshare UK Eleanor Rathbone House, Connect Business Village, 24 Derby Road, Liverpool, United Kingdom

Sut gallwch helpu i fynd i'r afael ag unigrwydd a'r argyfwng tai presennol mewn dim ond 3 cham. Byddwch yn rhan o'r ateb! Fel rhan o wythnos Ymwybyddiaeth Unigrwydd ymunwch â ni am ddigwyddiad ar-lein i glywed mwy am raglenni Rhannu Cartref yng Ngwynedd ac Abertawe a dysgu sut allwch weithio gyda nhw i ddiwallu'r […]