Loneliness Awareness Week Activities
Please make sure you’ve got all the details and an image ahead of adding your activity to the map as it is difficult to make edits once activites are submitted, there are instructions here.
Free workshop to support community groups and organisations to find and engage the people less likely to access formal groups and activities
This one our hour zoom workshop shares practical learning from the Age UK Camden, Ageing Better in Camden programme (one of 14 Ageing Better programme areas funded by the Lottery Community Fund), to support community groups and organisations to find and engage the older people less likely to access formal groups, activities, services and support.
During the session, Jo Stapleton, Good Practice Mentor, Outreach Specialist, will share insight gained from older people reluctant to access formal activities and the practical learning and materials to plan and host informal pop-up events, including:
how to provide a low social risk opportunity for people who may be reluctant to access formal groups and activities.
identifying the neutral spaces and places older people feel comfortable to meet.
producing information to publicise an informal event
creating an informal welcoming environment and the practicalities of hosting an informal drop-in event
facilitation strategies to encourage people to make social connections with neighbours and other local people
making the most of the opportunity to capture insight and learning from the people you wouldn’t meet in other settings
For more informatin about Ageing Better in Camden and our outreach apporach and free training offer, please visit http://www.ageingbetterincamden.org.uk/outreach or contact joanne.stapleton@ageukcamden.org.uk
Free workshop to support community groups and organisations to find and engage the people less likely to access formal groups and activities
This one our hour zoom workshop shares practical learning from the Age UK Camden, Ageing Better in Camden programme (one of 14 Ageing Better programme areas funded by the Lottery Community Fund), to support community groups and organisations to find and engage the older people less likely to access formal groups, activities, services and support.
During the session, Jo Stapleton, Good Practice Mentor, Outreach Specialist, will share insight gained from older people reluctant to access formal activities and the practical learning and materials to plan and host informal pop-up events, including:
how to provide a low social risk opportunity for people who may be reluctant to access formal groups and activities.
identifying the neutral spaces and places older people feel comfortable to meet.
producing information to publicise an informal event
creating an informal welcoming environment and the practicalities of hosting an informal drop-in event
facilitation strategies to encourage people to make social connections with neighbours and other local people
making the most of the opportunity to capture insight and learning from the people you wouldn’t meet in other settings
For more informatin about Ageing Better in Camden and our outreach apporach and free training offer, please visit http://www.ageingbetterincamden.org.uk/outreach or contact joanne.stapleton@ageukcamden.org.uk